This song isnt very good, but taking into account that it is your first song I don't think its much worse than most first songs, including mine.
Let me hit you up with some helpful info that should improve your production greatly:
- Learn to use effects on mixer tracks. MIxer exist for a reason. Mixing is essential process that will make your music sound enjoyable. Without mixing, even best tracks will sound bad.
- First step in right direction would be to use EQ to filter (read: remove) frequencies that are not needed. Common mistake when using EQ is to make large dips on small number of frequencies. Don't. Only make smaller dips in larger frequency span, unless you are EQ'ing kick, in which case you want to make 5 db dip at 30 Hz. I recommend you use Parametric EQ 2.
When EQ'ing make sure that highest peak is at 0 db. it is not recommended to have only peak over 0 db.
- Learn to sidechain sub to kick. Sidechain is simple technique that will cause sub volume to be automatically lowered when kick comes in (this is extremely important to do if you have deep kick that occupies sub bass frequencies, or it will sound muddy).
- Use reverbs and delays. When using both make sure that they are not to loud or have too long decays (read: last too long) or it will muddy up the track. You can control their loudness both in plugin and on mixer using that circle right from plugin. I would recommend using reverbs on higher pitched instruments like bells but you should experiment until you get general idea how reverb sound on different sounds. If you dont like how it sounds dont forget to delete the plugin, otherwise it will draw your cpu power for no reason.
- Use automation. You can automate pretty much anything, but my recommendation is to useit for volume at first to get nice intros. Also you can play with panning to make interesting stereo effects. You automate things by right clicking on 'wheels' or any other control and pressing 'Create automation clip'.
- Basic gain staging. Integral part of production. For your level I'll recommend to listen to this basic advice - dont use volume sliders on plugins or samples themselves. Use plugins like EQ to increase volume on mixers. Unless your doing automation, I wouldnt recommend using volume sliders (those vertical green bars with grey top that you see as soon as you open mixer) unless you are automating it. When automating volume always use mixer sliders.
- Use limiters at master to monitor loudness. If you learned to sidechain, you are probably already familiar with plugin Fruity Limiter. You can use it to monitor loudness. To do that, you need to place it at master channel (open mixer, channel on further left). When you open fruity limiter, dont do anything. Just watch. You will see loudness levels of your song represented in white. When something starts touching or going over cealing, it will clip. You dont want that. go back in the mix and lower volume of clipping instrument. Tip is that this is combined loudness, so if your drums are clipping, you might want to lower treshold on you sidechaining limiter in order to make bass quieter, therefore lowering total volume at that point.
- Always use reference tracks. Reference tracks are finished songs made by professional producers. They all have right volume, frequency balance etc. You want to chose song similar to one you are trying to make, then jump back and forth in between to hear whats wrong in your track.
- Use visualizers. Download SPAN. Its visualizer plugin. Place it on master, and it will show you your frequencies. Play your reference track to get basic idea on what it should look like. Dont be bothered if you cant pull it of though, it takes lot of time to make spectrum full as it will inevitably be when you play reference track.
- Look at limiter at your master while playing your reference track as well.
- Put EQ on master and select preset '20 Hz 18 KHz cut'.
- Dont re-use same drum samples too much. You used default samples that FLS offers you when you start new project. Delete them and select ones that you like from packs that you can find on your left.
- Almost all volumes in your tracks are not perfect but your riser is extremely loud. Not sure how you didnt hear it but I had to put my phones off till it ended. watch for similar stuff
- Dont overfill your tracks with sounds. 6 synths is pretty much tops. More than that is possible but your mixing skills and plugins must be extremely professional. There is one exception to this, however.
- Layering. Layering is process where you want to get kind of sound that you arent able to get by simply finding right preset. In that case, you take two instruments that play at similar frequencies (for example layer 2 basses to get fuller, richer sound). Make sure it is not too loud, however, since layering will make total volume go up by quiet a bit.
- When, EQ'ing dont overdo it. Just because some instrument is bass it doesnt mean it shouldnt have some of midrange. Otherwise it will sound lifeless.
- If you feel like you have problems with volumes (you think your drums are not too loud, but on limiter they are clipping and if you turn them down you feel like they are too quiet) export your song, than play it on your music player, listen to part you want, then listen to it on reference track. It will probably be too loud.
- Make sure your track and reference track are level matched whenever comparing the two - in FLS or in music player, if one is louder than the other it will end up in you changing levels wrong.
- Follow this youtube channel. You will find videos on all processes I mentioned but I didnt have enough time explaining in details (this is way too long anyway), and many more. It will definitely help you start mixing your tracks much better.
- Channel:
Although you probably didnt understand most of it, with help of this and many other similar channels and google (or talking to other producer about it, on reddit and many other sites with producer communities) you should quickly understand it. Curious to see your next track.
- Xent :)